A Little Bit About Me:

Hello! I am a software engineer with experience using JavaScript, React/Redux, Ruby on Rails, and more. Having a passion for problem solving and picking up new skills and technologies, I enjoy creativity in all aspects of life.

In my free time I enjoy illustrating drawings on my tablet, and I am a huge animation enthusiast!

Work Experience

Corona Care USA, Inc.

Building out a platform to help connect families affected by COVID-19 to donors, one bag of groceries at a time.

Visit the live site at: coronacareusa.com

Technical Lead

June 2020 - Present

  • Schedule, coordinate, and manage weekly meetings with technical team to assign tasks and review progress.
  • Oversee site development and conduct code reviews for GitHub pull requests to maintain quality of code.

Software Engineer

March 2020 - June 2020

  • Develop backend Rails API for handling donations, requests, and user authentication, ensuring proper storage of all donation transactions to ensure backend data records are in compliance with the site’s legal requirements.
  • Implement Redux and construct responsive React components in the frontend for viewing & filtering request results and handling donor information to match UI/UX team’s website mockups and design specifications.
  • Utilize 3rd party API's such as Stripe API payment services and SendGrid for handling donor information and automating emails.


Recent projects I have worked on.


Single-page app inspired by Behance that showcases creative art & architecture student projects. Uses React/Redux frontend with a Rails backend.

League of Legends Stats

Data visualization project that uses vanilla JavaScript and the D3 library to visualize comparative game stats for Leage of Legends.


Get in Touch

Thank you for viewing my site! Check out my resume for more info: